
Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Unpredictable Incident

The death was unavoidable. A Daihatsu Xenia B 2479 XI that was steered by Afriyani Susanti, 29, hit twelve person in Street MI Ridwan Rais, Tugu of the Farmer, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat. Nine people were killed. Four people of wounds, with one including being critical.

Results of the temporary inspection showed several cause factors of the deadly tragedy that happened on Sunday early afternoon, on January 22 2012. At first the driver claimed that the car brake was broken. In the further inspection, the driver said  she lost the control of the reason for the car progressed with the high speed, approaching  100 kilometre per hour.

This figure exceeded the normal limit travelled in the city around 60 kilometre per hour. Supported by results of the inspection of three witnesses who got a lift in this car, the driver was also expected drove in the sleepy condition. "The three witnesses said the driver was sleepy, could fall asleep, was lost the awareness several seconds and immediately bashed the left part the road," said Dirlantas Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Kombes Dwi Sigit Nurmantyas.

Case investigation continued to be carried out. Apart from the technical inspection concerning the condition for the car brake, police will carry out the related test the use of narcotics against the driver and three available people in the car. Planned police announced results of the urine test and blood this morning, on January 23 2012. "There was not the former brake, the collision was very horrifying, car damage was very serious, then we gaze at must carry out the further inspection of the driver and his three friends."

The driver was identified as the suspect. He was proven to be travelling without bringing STNK, not having SIM, damaging the public's facilities and eliminating the life on the accident. With the trap with multiple charges related with UU number 22 in 2009 about the traffic and the road transport, he was threatened by the punishment six prison years and fined Rp 12 million.

My Opinion :
The Accident that occurred in Tugu Tani could have been avoided. In case the driver had been following the traffic orders and sober that time. This tragedy would be a treasured lesson for others, managing to follow the traffic orders, so that it wouldn't affect any harm on ourselves and also others. 


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